
The most exciting thing about working with technology is the serendipitous ways ideas detour from one path to another...

We were looking for process-based solutions for using surfaces (i.e. Rhino plug-ins) when came across tilings. Slip Rabbit being a bunch of math nerds, we immediately picked up the thread and started looking at various ways surfaces can be tiled, mathematically. Plug-ins, softwares, and algorithms are great and very helpful at times but they don't do everything. Even if they do, someone had programmed them for "most usual cases" but not for our corky ideas. 

We find that we get more out of the process by going back to basics: understanding the math first to understand the possibilities, and then launching from that solid platform with creating new pieces.

This way we got to 2, 3 and 4 color tilings and then to making those even more dimensional and exciting. We love the results so much that we are making tilings our second research path for the spring.